Make yourself at home

Welcome to Stargazer Astrology, where the focus is on you. Your happiness, your healing and how to cultivate a deep love of yourself. Exactly where you are. Right now. We spend so much of our lives giving away the very best parts of ourselves while constantly pushing our own needs and well-being to the side. Years of this practice have worn so many of us down to the point where we feel guilty taking time and energy away from all the other areas of our life to focus it back on ourselves for even a moment.
But I believe with all my heart that if we stop doing that and bring our energy and our attention back home to ourselves and shine all of that love and compassion and beauty inwards, focusing on meeting our own needs and filling our own cups, we can meet the world with a renewed sense of purpose and peace.
One of my favorite ways to do this is to work with Venus. In astrology, Venus represents what we love, value and desire. She gives us guidance as to how we want to give and receive love and where we find worth and value. By looking at Venus and her transits through the zodiac in your natal chart, we can start to map out the most important relationship you will ever have, the relationship with yourself, and transform it into a completely loving, compassionate and accepting relationship that feeds your soul and creativity.
It is my passion to continually create ways to support you on this path because we are all in this together. We are all having these days where we are rundown an tired and sad and just so overwhelmed. Those days are scary and lonely, I know that. I see you. I’m so glad you are here. Make yourself at home.

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